Mississippi Heat

Mississippi Heat
This photo was taken in 1957 in the dog days of summer in Liberty, Mississippi. I was 4 yrs. old on my grandfather's farm..

Friday, July 15, 2011

July Happenings

July has been a slow, but steady month.  I continue to mosaic the shed that houses my kiln, that is coming along slowly, but surely.  The heat keeps me from being able to work on it with consistency.

Noah and I had our sculptures accepted in the Art League Gallery in the Torpedo Factory for this month's theme on Sculptures.  I am so proud of Noah for receiving the top award for the piece he submitted entitled "Lizard".

My piece is called "Fresh Catch"

We both have been accepted to  exhibit our work in the Bin Gallery at the Torpedo Factory, so we will have more items on display soon.


  1. I am SOOO Very excited for you!! Huge congrats to both you and Noah for your art work!!! How amazing to be getting awards right off the bat!! Your clay work is just as magical as your fiber work!!!
    I have really missed you!! Once we get into fall and the heat abates, lets get together- I will come up and bring your prezzies- stained glass bits!! I want to see your work and just be with you for a catch up!!!
    Matt starts his second year at Mason and Becca will be at the High School- can't believe it!!!
    LOts to share!!!!
    Now I am off to drool at more of the pictures of your work!!!
    Big Happy Hugs!!!
